Saturday, September 26, 2009


One of the biggest advantages of an object-oriented programming (OOP) language such as C# is that you can define special methods that are called whenever an instance of the class is created. These methods are called constructors. C# introduces a new type of constructor called a static constructor, which you’ll see in the next section, “Static Members and Instance Members.”
A key benefit of using a constructor is that it guarantees that the object will go through proper initialization before being used. When a user instantiates an object, that object’s constructor is called and must return before the user can perform any other work with that object. This guarantee helps ensure the integrity of the object and helps make applications written with object-oriented languages much more reliable.
But how do you name a constructor so that the compiler will know to call it when the object is instantiated? The C# designers followed the lead of the C++ language designer, Bjarne Stroustrup, and dictated that constructors in C# must have the same name as the class itself. Here’s a simple class with an equally simple constructor:
using System;

class Constructor1App
        Console.WriteLine("[Constructor1App.Constructor1App] " +
            "I'm the constructor");

    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("\n[Main] Instantiating a " +
            "Constructor1 object...");
        Constructor1App app = new Constructor1App();
Constructors don’t return values. If you attempt to prefix the constructor with a type, the compiler will issue an error stating that you can’t define a member with the same name as the enclosing type.
You should also note the way objects are instantiated in C#. This is done using the new keyword with the following syntax:
<class> <object> = new <class>(constructor arguments)
If you come from a C++ background, pay special attention to this. In C++, you can instantiate an object in two ways. You can declare it on the stack, like this:
// C++ code. This creates an instance of CMyClass on the stack.
CMyClass myClass;
Or you can instantiate the object on the free store (or heap) by using the C++ new keyword:
// C++ code. This creates an instance of CMyClass on the heap.
CMyClass myClass = new CMyClass();
Instantiating objects is different in C# than it is in C++, and this difference is a cause for confusion for new C# developers. The confusion stems from the fact that both languages share a common keyword for creating objects. Although using the new keyword in C++ lets you dictate where an object gets created, where an object is created in C# depends upon the type being instantiated.  Having said that, the following code is valid C# code, but if you’re a C++ developer, it might not do what you expect it too:
MyClass myClass;
In C++, this code would create an instance of MyClass on the stack. As mentioned, you can create objects in C# only by using the new keyword. Therefore, this line of code in C# merely declares that myClass is a variable of type MyClass, but it doesn’t instantiate the object.
As an example of this, if you compile the following program, the C# compiler will warn you that the variable has been declared but isn’t used in the application.  
using System;

class Constructor2App
        Console.WriteLine("[Constructor2App.Constructor2App] " +
            "I'm the constructor");

    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("\n[Main] Declaring, but not " +
            "instantiating, a Constructor2 object..."); 
        Constructor2App app;
Therefore, if you declare an object type, you need to instantiate it somewhere in your code by using the new keyword:
Constructor2App app;
app = new Constructor2App();
Why would you declare an object without instantiating it? Declaring objects before using them—or “new-ing“ them—is done in cases in which you declare one class inside another. This nesting of classes is called containment, or aggregation. For example, I might have an Invoice class that has several embedded classes, such as Customer, TermCode, and SalesTaxCode.
Static Members and Instance Members
As with C++, you can define a member of a class as a static member or an instance member. By default, each member is defined as an instance member, which means that a copy of that member is made for every instance of the class. When you declare a member a static member, only one copy of the member exists. A static member is created when the application containing the class is loaded, and it exists throughout the life of the application. Therefore, you can access the member even before the class has been instantiated. But why would you do this?
One example involves the Main method. The common language runtime needs to have a common entry point to your application. You must define a static method called Main in one of your classes so that the runtime doesn’t have to instantiate one of your objects. You also use static members when you have a method that, from an object-oriented perspective, belongs to a class in terms of semantics but doesn’t need an actual object—for example, if you want to keep track of how many instances of a given object are created during the lifetime of an application. Because static members live across object instances, the following code would work:
using System;

class InstCount
    public InstCount()

    static public int instanceCount;
    // instanceCount = 0;

class AppClass
    public static void PrintInstanceCount()
        Console.WriteLine("[PrintInstanceCount] Now there {0} " +
            "{1} instance{2} of the InstCount class", 
            InstCount.instanceCount == 1 ? "is" : "are",
            InstCount.instanceCount == 1 ? "" : "s");

    public static void Main()

        InstCount ic;
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            ic = new InstCount();
            Console.WriteLine("[Main] Instantiated a " +
                "{0} object...", ic.GetType());


If you build and run this application, you’ll see the results shown in following Figure

One last note on static members that are value types: a static member must have a valid value. You can specify this value when you define the member, as follows:
static public int instanceCount1 = 10;
If you don’t initialize the variable, the common language runtime will do so upon application startup by using a default value of 0. Therefore, the following two lines are equivalent:
static public int instanceCount2;
static public int instanceCount2 = 0;

Constants vs. Read-Only Fields
There will certainly be times when you have fields that you don’t want altered during the execution of the application. Examples of fields you might want to protect include the names of data files your application depends on, certain unchanging values for a math class such as pi, or even server names and IP addresses that your computer connects to. Obviously, this list could go on ad infinitum. To address these situations, C# allows for the definition of two closely related member types: constants and read-only fields, which I’ll cover in this section.
As you can guess from the name, constants—represented by the const keyword—are fields that remain constant for the life of the application. There are only three rules to keep in mind when defining something as a const:
  • A constant is a member whose value is set at compile time.
  • A constant member’s value must be written as a literal.
  • To define a field as a constant, simply specify the const keyword before the member being defined, as follows:
using System;

class MagicNumbers
    public const double pi = 3.1415;
    public const int answerToAllLifesQuestions = 42;

class ConstApp
    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("CONSTANTS: pi = {0},"
           "everything else = {1}",

Read-Only Fields
A field defined as a const is useful because it clearly documents the programmer’s intention that the field contains an immutable value. However, that works only if you know the value at compile time. So what does a programmer do when the need arises for a field with a value that won’t be known until run time and shouldn’t be changed once it’s been initialized? This issue—typically not addressed in other languages—was resolved by the designers of the C# language with what’s called a read-only field.
When you define a field with the readonly keyword, you have the ability to set that field’s value in one place: the constructor. After that point, the field can’t be changed by the class itself or the class’s clients. Let’s say that your application needs to keep track of the current workstation’s IP address. You wouldn’t want to address this problem with a const because that would entail hard-coding the value—and even that technique wouldn’t work if the workstation obtains its IP address dynamically. However, a run-time field would do just the trick:
using System;
using System.Net;

class Workstation
    public Workstation()
        IPAddress ipAddress =
        IPAddressString = ipAddress.ToString();

    public const string HostName = "tyagi";
    public readonly string IPAddressString;

class GetIpAddress
    public static void Main()
        Workstation workstation = new Workstation();
        Console.WriteLine("The IP address for '{0}' is {1}",
            Workstation.HostName, workstation.IPAddressString);


Running this application will result in the display of the IP address associated with the supplied host name (tyagi). Obviously, this program won’t work correctly if you aren’t connected to a machine with a host name of “tyagi”. To specify the name of the machine to which you’re connected, simply modify the WorkStation class’s const field (HostName) to the name of the machine whose IP address you’re attempting to determine. Supply your PC’s machine name for your own workstation IP address.

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